Exercise Has Begun: 16 November 2015

Starting Weight
: 79Kg
Waist Size: 30
Height: 5'7


BMI Categories:
Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Day 1: First Alarm went off at 5am, snooze button...2nd alarm at 5.10..Snooze button again...By the 3rd time, my DH asked to either get up or turn off all the alarms as the constant beeps were disturbing his sleep...
I was really tempted to just stay in bed but i remembered the conversation with DH when he clearly stated he didn't think I could wake up and go to the gym....Plus i remembered my weight and how it was important for me to be at a healthy weight when TTC......

And don't forget, Christmas is just a few weeks away and I certainly didn't want to attend those family gatherings and have everyone asking if I was pregnant or if I just gained weight....!!! More importantly, I had to fit into my sexy red dress...DH always like it and the last time i checked I couldn't fit into it......
SO i got up and washed my face...I was determined to get back to my pre-wedding weight of just 9months ago;-)
Got to the gym and met 6 ladies already on the treadmill...I would have been sleeping at this time and these ladies were here taking care of their bodies...WOW people sure are dedicated.....
I exchanges pleasantries and got on a treadmill, pressed on the Quick Start button and started walking...Soon enough, i looked across at the other ladies and saw them running really fast.. Not to be outshone by these women,  i increased the speed on the treadmill and started running...I could feel my belly moving...My heart rate pumping fast....Walking felt much better than this....Oh my, This wasn't going to an easy ride...!!!!!

I ran for less than a minute when i quickly proceeded to slow down on the treadmill....I hoped none of the ladies noticed...:-)....I was going to take it easy....Afterall it is my first day, I told myself...

Luckily for me, the other ladies left soon after I came in ,.....I exercised for about 30mins and decided it was time to go home...Tomorrow, I will stay for an hour,...Slow and Steady WINS the raise they say RIGHT????
TTC: Trying to Conceive
DH: Darling Husband


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