
Showing posts from June, 2017

Mom Shares the Sheer Heartbreak of Having Stillborn Identical Twins at 37 Weeks

Reactions   Like   Reblog on Tumblr   Share   Tweet   Email When Jacqueline Hoy and her husband found out that they were expecting third and fourth children, these Australian parents were shocked. Neither had twins in the family, and after the initial surprise wore off, they began happily making plans for their expanding family. According to Jacqi, who is also mom to 8-year-old Lachlan and 2-year-old Edward, her third pregnancy was uncomplicated. The couple decided early on to name  their identical twins  Henry and William, and the boys were healthy at every doctor's visit. However, when Jacqui woke up one morning near  the end of her pregnancy , she knew something was different. At this point, Jacqui was 37 weeks pregnant, and the doctors planned to induce her in a few days. "I saw the boys two days earlier during a scan and they were kicking and had normal heartbeats," Jacqui told POPSUGAR. "There was absolutely no indicat...