
What Not To Say to A Woman TTC

For the past few days, I have been doing a series on my instagram page @beyondmyectopic about Infertility Awareness and the things not to say to a woman trying to conceive (TTC)..... In Nigeria, it appears some people feel they have a right to speak without pausing or considering the impact their words will have on the person receiving it....People have opinions about everyone....From the single ladies to single mothers to women who have gained weight to women trying to loose weight...But I think the people who receive the worst treatment and words are women trying to conceive.....And what makes it even worse is that the people that make these mean statements are actually women ....They should know better right??? You see, barrenness /inability to have kids quickly after getting married is seen as a taboo of some sort ...Granted, more couples are dealing with infertility now...But people still expect a woman to have a baby soon after getting married...It is not uncommon t...

2019...NewYear Hopes and Resolutions....

First of all, thank Heavens I made it to 2019....I am so thankful for my life and for that of my loved ones...🙏I had an amazing time during the holidays with DH, Mum, Siblings and my nieces & nephews...Lots of eating and drinking and partying...Lets just say I gained a whole lot of weight and it is starting to show in my outfits and pictures.....Argghhhh.....🙈🙈🙈 2019: I have so much hope for this year and plans....Hope that by the end of this year, I have got my rainbow babies or very close .....I just celebrated my 4th year Wedding Anniversary...and in Nigerian culture (and perhaps others too) thats a long time to be married without kids....Have heard the whispers...and some of the whispers have turned to constant family members and friends...Now you would think I would be thankful for these constant prayers by 3rd parties right?...Not quite!!!! This is because the prayers sound more like pressure....You can almost hear their annoyance at the fac...


Many people will have the strong desire to conceive a child at some point during their lifetime. Most couples (approximately 85%) will achieve pregnancy within one year of trying, with the greatest likelihood of conception occurring during the earlier months. Only an additional 7% of couples will conceive in the second year.  As a result, infertility has come to be defined as the inability to conceive within 12 months.   Women are the ones with the right reproductive equipment to actually give birth. They are the ones with the uterus, with the fallopian tubes, with the ovaries and vagina and other reproductive parts that make it possible to carry a pregnancy and bring forth children. Having said that, men are also an essential part of the reproductive process; they are the ones that provide the sperm which is needed to fertilise the eggs in order to make a baby. Society has always placed greater emphasis on the woman’s body when speaking about procreation. ...

Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms and Signs

What is an ectopic pregnancy? Ectopic pregnancy is a common, potentially life–threatening, condition affecting one in 100 pregnancies. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilised egg implants outside the cavity of the womb, usually in the fallopian tube. As the pregnancy grows, the fallopian tube stretches causing pain. If not treated quickly enough, the tube can burst, causing internal bleeding, which can lead to collapse and even death. What causes an ectopic pregnancy? Normally a fertilised egg travels from the ovary down the fallopian tube and implants into the wall of the womb six to seven days after fertilisation. In an ectopic pregnancy the egg does not travel to the uterus or womb but instead implants somewhere outside the womb, usually in one of the narrow fallopian tubes where it cannot develop properly. In most cases the exact cause of an ectopic pregnancy is unknown but it is often a result of some sort of damage to the fallopian tube. The tube may have ...

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy? What are some signs or symptoms?

Q: What is an  Ectopic Pregnancy ? A: An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy that occurs outside the uterine cavity and usually in the fallopian tube. Ectopic pregnancy is a common, potentially life–threatening, condition affecting one in 100 pregnancies. An ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilised egg implants outside the cavity of the womb, usually in the fallopian tube. As the pregnancy grows, the fallopian tube stretches causing pain. If not treated quickly enough, the tube can burst, causing internal bleeding, which can lead to collapse and even death Q: What are the  signs and symptoms  of ectopic pregnancy? A: Classic symptoms are one sided lower abdominal pain and light vaginal bleeding six to eight weeks after the last period. Others include feeling faint and weak, shoulder tip pains on lying down and pains on opening the bowels.

7 Moms Look Back on Their Infertility Struggles

I loved this  article  and  felt  I had to  share  on my blog.......I feel hopeful when i  hear success stories of other women that were trying to conceive. It gives me hope and reminds me that my challenges can and will also end with a  success story. I especially love when I hear of celebs talking about their fertility struggles...This creates awareness and gets people talking about this reality...Hopefully someday, infertility will no longer be taboo.... !!! Getty Images We asked several women who got pregnant after infertility what they took away from the experience, and what they wish others knew. Here's what they had to say. LINDSEY MURRAY   October 15, 2015 Earlier this week, Chrissy Teigen announced on Instagram that she and husband, John Legend, are expecting their first child. (Yipee!) The announcement was extra special given that it came very soon after Teigen spoke out about her ...

When are you planning to have baby?

As much as this question may appear normal for some women / couples, it can be quite upsetting for others struggling with infertility…. I hear this question way more times than I can care to remember and always wonder why people feel the need to ask….If I wanted to share,   I would and if I haven’t, then I would appreciate if people will just respect that and not mention it… In a society like Nigeria and probably many others, having children 9months right after the wedding is encouraged and even during the wedding ceremony, countless people pray for the upcoming celebration in 9months….When the 1st year passes, people will start making comments like are you still in the honeymoon phase? Best to get the babies out now so you can move on to other things….You know you are not getting any younger….You know its best to have kids when you are young so you can have the energy to play with them…. By the 2nd year, people will graduate to more annoying comments, ...