What is Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) ...further discussion... PGD involves fertilizing the egg with sperm and testing the embryos to confirm if they are free of Sickle Cell..or any other genetic condition. If they are free of Sickle Cell, they are inserted into the mother's womb, but if they are Sickle Cell positive, the embryos are disposed.... Part of 1 discussion here (http://www.myectopicandbeyond.com/2016/01/what-is-pre-genetic-diagnosis-and-why.html) Some people regard the disposing of affected embryos as equal to having an ABORTION!!!...Is this a fair conclusion? Is it better to bring children to this world knowing they could be exposed to undue suffering??? And if we take matters into our own hands to terminate if possible, Are we Playing GOD???? It may be easy to state that couples that know they have AS genotype should just not get married or should not procreate together....But what about people with an ...