
Showing posts from July, 2016

Education: Gene Screening Raises Questions: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis allows parents to choose children for their genes

 The issue of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)  is one that is very dear to my heart. My husband and I have a genetic condition that has a 50% chance of being passed on to our kids. We keep talking and trying to decide on if we should try naturally again or if we should opt for PGD. The story below is an example of PGD...... After losing two children to a deadly genetic disease and aborting a fetus that tested positive for the same disease, an unidentified French couple gave birth to France's first genetically screened baby in November. But the process that ensured the couple a healthy baby, PGD is furrowing eyebrows internationally over difficult ethical issues.   P GD uses the same techniques as prenatal diagnostic testing, but is done at the moment of fertilization, before doctors have implanted the embryo in a woman's womb. That means fertilized embryos testing positive for unwanted genetic traits can easily be discarded in the search for...

5 Ways Pregnancy After a Miscarriage Is Different

It has been 2months since my miscarriage and it still seems so fresh in mind...I am away on vacation in the same spot where it happened...Each time i go to the toilet, memories of the pain and feelings in my body before the miscarriage floods my mind...Everything in the house reminds me of my last pregnancy and the loss that accompanied it... I blogged about the pregnancy and the fear that it was an Ectopic and the following surgery...but i am yet to complete the details about what happened afterwards...I hope to get to that in the next few days..but while researching today, I came across this story below and it couldn't be more right.... Below is the story of another blogger who shares her story and fears that result from a miscarriage... **** I’ll never forget that moment. I sat in my doctor’s exam room, eagerly awaiting a first glimpse of my baby’s heartbeat. I imagined watching it, a tiny flicker on the screen, feeling instantly connected to the life inside me...

Telford woman jailed for baby kidnap tried to fake pregnancy

  A woman who kidnapped a baby as part of a "naive" attempt to fake a pregnancy has been jailed for two years. Kelly Mahon, 41, of Arleston in Telford, admitted taking the child from its family home in February. Shrewsbury Crown Court heard she told her boyfriend she was pregnant to secure the relationship, despite having been sterilised 20 years earlier. Mahon had called at the family's home and told the mother her husband had been involved in a car accident. She offered to babysit while the mother went to check on her husband, but then disappeared with the infant. The child, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was found hours later, fast asleep and uninjured, at Mahon's home. Peter Cooper, defending Mahon, said it was "a sad case". Sentencing, Judge Jim Tindal said: "What was only a pipe dream suddenly grew into something real. I cannot begin to imagine the terror you caused the child's parents."...