2019...NewYear Hopes and Resolutions....

First of all, thank Heavens I made it to 2019....I am so thankful for my life and for that of my loved ones...🙏I had an amazing time during the holidays with DH, Mum, Siblings and my nieces & nephews...Lots of eating and drinking and partying...Lets just say I gained a whole lot of weight and it is starting to show in my outfits and pictures.....Argghhhh.....🙈🙈🙈

2019: I have so much hope for this year and plans....Hope that by the end of this year, I have got my rainbow babies or very close .....I just celebrated my 4th year Wedding Anniversary...and in Nigerian culture (and perhaps others too) thats a long time to be married without kids....Have heard the whispers...and some of the whispers have turned to constant prayers.....by family members and friends...Now you would think I would be thankful for these constant prayers by 3rd parties right?...Not quite!!!!

This is because the prayers sound more like pressure....You can almost hear their annoyance at the fact that I am not pregnant yet.....You would think I have absolute control about getting pregnant and having a baby.....😒But Nigerian folks don't care about that.....All they want is for you to pop out babies....First you get one, and then you quickly manufacture the siblings in quick succession.....

The holidays and Newyears is always a time to hear these prayers again...And for these folks to keep count of how many years since the wedding and the fact that you still have "nothing to show for it".....Sometimes, it all gets to me...And I wish I could really just create these babies and get it done and over with.......But I have no such power and so many times, I instead listen to music to escape reality....Music always Heals!!!....

As for my Resolutions, I plan to read my Bible more...and pray more...I plan to loose weight for sure.and I am already working on that......I plan to cook more healthy foods for myself and DH....I plan to work on creating more awareness about my foundation....(The foundation is created to increase awareness about Ectopic Pregnancies in Nigeria with the hope of saving lives of more women)....I plan to Blog more about my ttc life in Nigeria....

So you can see I have huge plans for this year....And I am hoping that in 2020, I can look back and see that I accomplished all of my 2019 Hopes & Resolutions...

What about you? What are your resolutions and hopes for 2019???

* DH: Darling Husband
* TTC: Trying to Conceive


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