What does IVF Process entail?????

I have been considering what IVF actually requires and what the process includes...What drugs will be given to me if I opted for it...Below is some information that I came across that summarizes the IVF process...


The IVF process involves:

The process of invitro fertilization - how is IVF done?

Basic screening tests are performed on both partners at all IVF clinics
  • Prior to starting IVF process, some testing of "ovarian reserve" should be done on the female prior to starting the injections.
  • The day 3 FSH and AMH blood testing as well as antral follicle counts is used for this purpose.
  • These tests help predict how well the ovaries will respond to the drugs (making sufficient follicles and eggs).
  • The number of follicles that develop when we stimulate the woman correlates with the number of eggs we get at the egg pickup (aspiration or retrieval) procedure.
  • The number of eggs retrieved correlates with IVF success rates

Consents are signed by all parties
The woman is stimulated with injected medications to develop multiple follicles in the ovaries. Each follicle contains a microscopic egg. These injections continue to stimulate follicle and egg growth and development for about 8 - 10 days.
  • Details about ovarian stimulation protocols for in-vitro fertilization
  • Details about the subcutaneous injectable medications
  • Sample in vitro fertilization calendar of a "typical" cycle that shows the days medications are given, office visits, etc.
Blood and ultrasound testing is done every 1-3 days to monitor the development of the follicles (egg-containing structures) in the ovaries.
A minimum number of 3 follicles is needed to develop to maturity in order to be able to proceed with the egg retrieval. About 90-95% of women under 40 with a normal FSH and normal antral follicle counts will develop at least this minimum number of follicles.
If this many mature follicles can not be obtained from the stimulation process - the IVF procedure will usually be  "cancelled"(not proceed with egg retrieval). Criteria for cancellation can vary between IVF centers.

When a sufficient number of the woman's follicles are mature, a transvaginal ultrasound-guided egg retrieval (egg aspiration) procedure is performed to remove the eggs from the follicles. Usually, the average duration of the egg retrieval procedure is under 10 minutes, with a range of about 2-15 minutes. Powerful anesthesia medications are used so that the woman is "out" during this procedure and does not feel or remember anything.

The eggs are then fertilized in the laboratory with her partner's sperm. If the sperm (or the eggs) are of poor quality, the ICSI procedure might be used to aid in fertilization. The embryos are cultured in the IVF laboratory for 2-6 days.
The embryo transfer procedure is done which places the embryos in the woman's uterus where they will hopefully implant and develop to result in a live birth. This is like a Pap smear for the woman. There should be no discomfort.
If there are leftover embryos (of sufficient quality) beyond the number that is transferred, many couples prefer to have them frozen (cryopreserved) for use in a future cycle. Embryo cryopreservation can be used for another attempt at having a baby if the "fresh" cycle fails - or as an attempt to have another child if the fresh cycle is successful.


Culled from "http://www.advancedfertility.com/ivfprocedures.htm


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