Happy Newyear Everyone

I cannot believe it is already 2017....I am so thankful for life...So Blessed with a wonderful husband, family, and friends...I have been divinely favoured many times and am so grateful...Yes I am still trying to conceive and bring forth safely and that is a want and desire I have on a daily basis...But I am very thankful to be alive, for all I have and I know that 2017 is going to be an amazing and fruitful year....

To all our friends who read my blog, do follow me on:

Instagram: @beyondmyectopicandivf
Twitter:    @beyondmyectopic

I promise to be more consistent with my blogging this year and share with you my fertility journey and success...God is not a man that he should lie...His covenant with me is to be fruitful and multiply and that will surely come to pass....Amen!!!

I hope 2017 has been great for you all so far and I hope that 2017 will be the best year for us all so far...!! Amen!!!

Love God, Stay positive, Be Kind, and Love your Neighbour as Yourself....!!!


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